State Trail Awards
The Great Trails State Coalition (GTSC) held their first statewide conference with the help of NCSU’s Recreation Resources Service. The sold-out event offered three days of breakout sessions and plenary meetings to the 375 attendees representing nonprofits, municipalities and industry. An Awards Luncheon was a featured event with two Burke County residents and one project being…read more ❯
Capturing Nature
As quiet as the wildlife he is trying to capture, Bruce Buchanan wanders mostly along the shoreline of Lake Rhodhiss at Valdese Lakeside Park. You may not take time to notice him, but his large camera strapped across his body will get your attention.
If you are on Facebook, then you are lucky enough to see the results of his work. In an on the greenway interview, Bruce admitted, “If it…read more ❯
Moon Picture has Landed
It takes about 3 days for a spacecraft to reach the Moon, traveling around 240,000 miles depending on the route.
It took about 40 years and around 400 miles for a famous moon picture to return home to Rhodhiss.
Those critical in getting the moon picture back home – Mike Carter, John Allen, Rick Justice and Beth Heile.
John Allen was the Burlington Mills Plant Manager in Rhodhiss from…read more ❯
Ribbon Cut on Wildcat Way
Burke River Trail Association hosted a Ribbon Cutting for the first section of that specially build to be Burke River Trail. The new 0.6 mile trail is on Burke County Public Schools property and the trail easement is being held by Town of Valdese.
Cutting the Ribbon while standing on Wildcat’s Perch.
Mayor Pro Tem Gary Ogle welcomed the crowd of forty hikers, volunteers, elected…read more ❯
Long View & Hildebran
In January 2023, Beth Heile submitted a Feasibility Study Grant application to NCDOT for assistance in clarifying the route between Long View and Hildebran. The direct path of using Hwy 70A was uncertain due to the 100-foot railroad right of way. In February 2023, the NCDOT Integrated Mobility Division announced the Long View and Hildebran project was awarded a $ 62825 Multimodal Feasibility…read more ❯
Connecting Rhodhiss Halves
Bridge over the Catawba River that connects Town of Rhodhiss in Burke County to the south and Rhodhiss to the north.
BRTA is about connecting communities — and we have been in contact with NCDOT for two years about making the bridge that connects the two sides of Rhodhiss (Burke and Caldwell) safe for walkers and bikers. We are thrilled to announce that NCDOT has determined the bridge is…read more ❯
Trail Brings Housing
Connecting communities with pedestrian trail is just one focus of Burke River Trail Association (BTRA). The organization also works to strengthen communities through economic development. That includes pursuing housing opportunities uncovered while advancing the trail.
Contacting large landowners to discuss the possibility of trail on their property is a first step in developing a…read more ❯
Charlotte Water Request
Protecting the Catawba River for all uses – water supply, recreation, economic development, power generation and wildlife habitat – is critical. We are at the very start of a long, several year process for the Charlotte Water Interbasin Transfer and I will advocate until the final vote.
Beth Heile kayaking on Lake Rhodhiss
That said, it is difficult to hit a moving target with the…read more ❯
Wildcat Way
Thanks to Burke County Public Schools, Town of Valdese, Rep Hugh Blackwell and volunteers, a new section of Burke River Trail will open on August 2. Officials will cut the ribbon at 10:00 am for the 0.6 mile natural surface trail, located north of Draughn High School, will be called Wildcat Way.
Wildcat Way was one of the first targeted sections of Burke River Trail during initial…read more ❯
Lunch and Learn Program
Friends of the Valdese Rec, Inc (FVR) hosts a free monthly Lunch and Learn Program for Young for the Young at Hearts in the community. Every third Thursday of the month at Noon, FVR provides lunch, time to socialize and a 20-minute program for those adults who are retired or have time for lunch. First United Methodist Church of Valdese provides the space for the lunch event.
To RSVP for…read more ❯
Grants for Old Glory Mill
BRTA Executive Director Beth Heile and Town of Rhodhiss Manager Rick Justice at the Rural Community Capacity Training at App State University.
Opportunity Appalachia announced the selection of 29 projects to participate in its program aimed at increasing job growth,business support, and investment in Central Appalachia. The Old Glory Mill project in Rhodhiss, submitted by Burke River Trail,…read more ❯